Aura Scanning

What Is Aura Scanning?

We all know that the human body is made up of various energy. All this energy is simply the expression of colour vibrations within us that somehow affect our consciousness and existence. It should be noted that no person’s aura is made up of a single colour as each one of us can express a variety of emotions thus our aura will reflect a variety of colours. In general, bright colours indicate an exalted and cheerful condition, whereas dark colours indicate the opposite, an unpleasant and depressed state.

Additionally, when it comes to problems with your health, finances, relationships, behavior, habit formation, decision-making, chronic illness, old mental blocks, fears, anxiety, depression, and other physical, mental, and emotional issues, the results of an aura scan can be very helpful in painting a clear picture of where you are right now and what you want. Aura also shows the influence and alignment of chakras, which are energy centers.

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